Zugerland Verkehrsbetriebe

1.5 hours aperitif cruise
on the MS Ägeri

Enjoy a short round cruise with an aperitif on our nostalgic and elegant MS Ägeri. Take in the evening sun and the orange and gold glitter on the lake.

Cruise example price

CHF 1,100 boat rental for 1.5-hour extra trip with the vessel MS Ägeri (station Unterägeri/Oberägeri)

Catering example price

CHF 33.50 flat rate per person, excl. catering service

Finger food snacks:
1 glass of Prosecco, garlic bread, bruschetta, soup in a glass, melon & raw ham, puff pastry, chicory boat filled (with chicken and vegetarian)

The catering prices quoted are approximate and are valid for a party of 10 or more people. Other drinks according to the drinks/wine list, charged according to consumption.
For the catering service on board we charge CHF 35.-/hour.

Please note

Charter cruises can be booked on Lake Zug and Lake Ägeri all year round. We would be happy to advise you and arrange an excursion that suits your requirements.

General terms and conditions

As this is an exclusive cruise, thegeneral terms and conditions for charter cruises apply. 

Your charter cruise enquiry

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